Micaceous Iron Oxide

Corrosion protection coatings with iron mica have been known for their unique protective effect since decades. The coatings are suitable for both heavy-duty corrosion protection and thin film corrosion protection. But iron mica can do far more: Improving the mechanical properties and thermal conductivity with simultaneous electrical insulation are just two other benefits of iron mica.

Iron mica is a natural product and belongs to the mineral class of iron oxides. In addition to standard types for heavy-duty corrosion protection, newly developed product types especially well suited for thin-film corrosion protection and also as a zinc dust replacement are available today. For ceramics and the plastics industry, we supply iron mica in various particle sizes that can be tailored precisely to the respective application.


We are happy to advise you and help you find the right iron mica for your application.

Advantages of micaceous iron mica at a glance

  • high protection against corrosion
  • high iron content leads to metallic appearance
  • to improve mechanical properties
  • to increase the thermal conductivity

For a long time, corrosion protection meant preventing damage to metallic components. Today, corrosion protection is also used in the context of materials such as glass, plastic or building materials when these are damaged by a corrosive attack and therefore lose their functionality. Slowing the speed of the corrosive attack and thereby increasing the service life of the component is always the goal of corrosion protection.